Mango Hill State School - Supporting Wellbeing and Positive Behaviour
Mango Hill State School uses a multi-tiered system of support for encouraging positive behaviour and supporting students diverse needs in the school. This is a whole school approach, used in all learning environments, including sporting activities and excursions to increase academic outcomes and to support student wellbeing.
The approach includes:
· Analysing student academic, wellbeing and behaviour data sets to improve student behaviour and learning outcomes
·Applying proactive and reactive strategies to support student behaviour and wellbeing
· Professional development opportunities for staff to ensure evidence-based practices are being used consistently by staff to support students.
At Mango Hill State School, we believe discipline must reflect our belief that student behaviour is a part of the overall teaching and learning approach in our school. Our staff take responsibility for making their expectations clear, for providing supportive instruction about how to meet these expectations and strive to use behavioural incidents as opportunities to re teach.
At Mango Hill State School we take into account students' individual circumstances, such as their behaviour history, disability, mental health and wellbeing, religious and cultural considerations, home environment and care arrangements when teaching expectations, responding to inappropriate behaviour or applying a disciplinary consequence.
We Care!
Our staff are committed to every student succeeding and believe that all members of our school community, including students, staff and all visitors, should 'Stick to the Cares'. The 4 Cares are taught each week to spot light our school wide expectations and strategies to support students to be successful.
- Care for Self
- Care for Learning SOLE.jpg
- Care for Others
- Care for our School Environment.
Further, all members of our community including students, staff and all visitors, should seek to demonstrate our five values - Excellence, Commitment, Teamwork, Respect, Innovation.
For more information please visit the Student Code of Conduct PDF (2 MB).
High Five Strategy
At Mango Hill State School, we teach all students the “High-Five”. This is a physical prompt (hand sign) to remember strategies to assist in the appropriate management of conflict. Each strategy is taught individually and students learn skills to deal with problems in a systematic, constructive way.